Please Join Me In Reading the Bible in a Year!

It is my prayer that you find this blogspot useful as you continue to study and grow in the Word of God! I encourage you to leave comments, questions, and/or prayers about the daily readings so that we all may work together in learning and understanding God's word. God bless you!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Please take a step back to Isaiah 40:31 - Reader Request

Alright everybody. This is where the "learning together" comes in...

A reader has asked that I post Isaiah 40:31 because she would like help understanding the verse's symbolism. Please post your comments offering insight on the meaning of this scripture.

The NIV version says: but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


Antoinette Washington said...

I went to my commentary for wait entails confident expectation and active hope in the Lord --never passive resignation. Mount depicts the spiritual transformation that faith brings to a person. eagles: the eagle depicts the strength that comes from the Lord.

Anonymous said...

This is a very powerful verse whatever you are going through in life if you put all you hope in the Lord. Trial will come in our life failure will come in our lives but we must keep hoping and trusting in the Lord and will soar and never grow weary. Keep asking for understanding of his word. You will soar on wings of faith like eagles soar.